Friday, November 26, 2010

परितः ईक्षते इति परीक्षितः (Continued)

Seeing Kali fall at his feet, parikshit stopped. . .

Kali got up and said " This is kali yuga. It is my dharma that i should be present here to make people understand the value of dharma. It is only through adharma that we understand the value of dharma. It is only through pain and suffering that we understand the value of health. It is only through harsh words that we understand the value of kindness. Hence please provide me places to stay"

To this parikshit replied " You cannot stay here as this place is my kingdom where dharma and righteousness are rampant. You can stay only at places which are bereft of dharma, which influence people to resort to Adharma. Hence you may reside in five areas where adharma is rampant -Gambling, Wine, Company of Women, Violence and Gold."

After this , Kali captured Parikshit................How.................thats another story. Lets see it next friday.


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