Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Srimad Bhagawatham

It was a really hot afternoon, with the sun at its zenith.

They were at the trough of the valley and there was no sign of any habitation for miles around. He looked around, the whole area was deserted. The sweat falling from his brow to the ground went up in a small, simmering steam of air. He spurred his horse on to a trot and rode on with his trusted rajrakshaks, the king’s personal guard.

As they approached the crest he could see a lone figure standing in anticipation of his arrival. It was completely black in color, almost demonlike with a huge mane of hair and an upraised sword. The king recognized this figure as a demon who had visited their kingdom a longtime back.

On seeing this demon the entourage stopped and the demon addressed the king

“Well met, Raja Parikshit”

The King said

“I remember meeting you, but have seem to have forgotten your name” to which the demon replied

“ I am Kali. The Kali of Kaliyug. Well met, Raja Parikshit”

And thus begins the Bhagawatham, the most revered among the Puranic scriptures.


P.s - and thus begins a very challenging project by me to tell whatever i have learnt about the bhagawatham. I welcome criticism and comments. Anil